By Tom Hanna

I got my first job in 1999 in Quesnel. I worked there till 2004. I worked for a company called Quesnel Day Program.

I collected paper and other recyclables from various businesses and disposed of it for them.

I enjoyed working with most of my coworkers because we got along really well.

I was happy to be working and I liked the feeling of being included in my community.

When I got my first paycheque I felt ecstatic. I bought some games and saved the rest.

I used to have a cleaning job at Mission Association for Community Living from 2005 till 2014.

I use to clean Bridge and ISS and also Rutledge house.

Some of my duties included mopping, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning floors and also windows, sinks, toilets and desks.

From February – April 2014 I worked for Liberty Tax Service part time. I was the marketing mascot who welcomed new customers.

I am presently employed at Pro Oil and Sleep Depot. I began working at these jobs in 2014.

At Sleep depot some of my duties include sign holding and deliveries on Saturdays.

My boss says I have become an important part of the Sleep Depot’s team. “Tom is always willing to try new things.

His job now includes sign waving and delivery helper.

Tom is always on time with a smile on his face.”  Arlene, my other boss, says that I am a great help, she really enjoys working with “Money Bags”.

I am good at learning new tasks and a fun jokester.

From 2007 – present I have volunteered for the Mission City Outlaws Junior Hockey as a security person and a referee assisting with goal judging.

The President/Manager gave a reference that stated I was neat and tidy and that I could multi-task.

He also said I was friendly while I greeted fans and checked tickets at the door and that I never let them down.

An other colleague said that I was a dedicated worker for the Mission Ice Breakers from 2007-2012.

My employer said, “Tom was a good employee that loved his job as a goal judge.

I would love him to come on board in any adventure. Tom is a great guy!

From 2012 – present I have volunteered for the Mission Baseball Challengers team assisting the coach at practices with improving players’ skills and set up and take down.

The coach gave me a reference that stated I was a nice easy going mentor for the younger players on the team.

He also said I have positive attitude and I help out with variety of tasks.

Some of the skills I have acquired are a WHMIS certificate and Canadian Red Cross Emergency First Aid.

When I was a janitor I needed to have my WHMIS which is Workplace Hazardous Material Information Sheet.

Having a job has made me more independent and I like getting a pay cheque every week.

I save money from my pay cheques for trips and travel. Last year for the first time I took a cruise to Alaska with staff support.

The 2nd time my friends and I went on our own.

I am currently saving for a ps4.

I feel like working has made me more social and I have support from family and friends.

Working has made me more confident and strong and I am always learning new things.

Before being employed life was just ok. Working is worth it and you can do it too! I didn’t know how much better life could be with a job.