MACL and Mission Self Advocacy Group Made Statement recognition of Dec 3rd International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Picture of Bryce Schaufelberger

Bryce Schaufelberger

Editor and Webmaster



Macl and Mission Self Advocacy Group statement


Did you know that over one billion people around the world live with some form of disability and having a disability puts you in the world’s largest minority group?

If your answer is “no”, perhaps it is because for every person with a visible disability, there are approximately four people with an invisible one.

Every year on December 3rd, people around the world celebrate contributions of people with disabilities.

First declared by the United Nations in 1992, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) draws attention to the many ways in which people with disabilities enrich our communities, our country and our world.

This year’s theme is “Not all Disabilities are Visible”. It is important to remember that not all disabilities look the same. It’s important for us to realize that disabilities go beyond one’s appearance and not jump to conclusions someone’s life.

Today, and every day, let’s be patient. Let’s treat others with kindness and stand up for others when they may need our help.

Just because the disability is not evident does not mean it does not exist. Be kind to everyone!