Mission Self Advocates Giving Back Event on January 24, 2025
At the Mission Self Advocate’s World Café event held in January of 2023 which was part of the Welcome Home Project we identified more work needed to be done to welcome and value Mission’s vulnerable/homeless population. The group decided as part of our project we would make an effort to reach out and connect to this community and share a positive message. As a first step the group organized a Giving Back Event by distributing brown bag lunches to its homeless community.
On January 23, 2025 some of the Mission Self Advocate group members partnered with the Copper Hall, a large, industrial-style event space who allowed us to use their kitchen to prepare 40 brown bag lunches for Mission’s homeless population. Each bag lunch included a ham & cheese kaiser bun, a juice box, a granola bar, a candy and a handwritten message stating, “YOU MATTER”.
On January 24, 2025 we partnered with the Fraser Valley Union Gospel Mobile Unit outside the Haven & Hollow homeless shelter to distribute the lunches. It was a great opportunity to learn more about the mobile unit and for their staff to learn about our group.
The Mission Group members introduced themselves by name to each homeless community member, greeting them with a welcoming hand shake and shared our message that each citizen MATTERED; before handing out a bagged lunch. Many community members struck up conversations with our members and shared about their day. Overall, the event was a great success.
Not one lunch was left over! In further conversations with the FV Union Gospel Mobile Unit the Mission group decided to organize an event next year as well and we invited them to one of our monthly meetings to learn more about what they do and how we as a group can become more involved.
- The Self Advocates will send out thank you notes to the Copper Hall & also to the FV Union Gospel.
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